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Valhalla Games and Hobbies

A bit of History on Doug Thorp, he had Valhalla Games and Hobbies.

Anyone seen Douglas, or has he disappeared?

11 Aug 2008

We have many more plastic kits now on the shelves, and many of these are out-of-production. We hope to have more of them listed, shortly. But, if you (or anyone you know) are after such kits, email us!

20 Jul 2008

We do have more on the shelves now, thanks largely to the help of various volunteers (and we hope to have a BBQ day soon for them). More being unpacked every day.

21 Jun 2008

Change of address!!  And OPEN (even if not finished in layout):

Unit 301 at 396 Scarborough Beach Road, Osborne Park WA 6017 

(in Westpoint Centre, almost opposite old Ikea store; access also off Drake Street; nearest railway station is Glendalough; there are various bus routes along Scarborough Beach Road; on/off freeway at Hutton or Powis St.)

Please note that, due to government regulations on trading hours, we can no longer, at this time, open on a Sunday - we're trying to alter that!


Slowly-expanding E-COMMERCE SITE!!!  ------>    Valhalla eCommerce Site

Listings are stationary at the 4,000 mark (with still with many more of the present ones getting prices - but can't add any further pics or listings, at the moment!). For buyers outside Australia, we still offer to pay up to half of airmail on most items. We'll soon be back into re-cataloguing the entire store (and hoping to reduce the total re-cataloguing time from 12-18 months)! What's listed on the eCommerce site is as catalogued, so definitive! Check latest "SALES, Discounts!" on the eCommerce site.

Sales are based on $-value of items bought in one lot, across the eCommerce site, with extra discount for members (new memberships available only between sales - until further notice, sales will be each month, commencing 16th of the month). As various items on the eCommerce site are still unpriced (showing as $0.01), you need to request prices on those in which you might have an interest.

Sale items must be paid for in cleared funds within 48 hours of ordering (cash, direct credit, credit/debit cards, PayPal, Australian money order/cheque).

Current sale conditions now (one week each month, starting 16th):

Total $-value (before Sale discount)  <$100  $100    $200    $400    $800

Sale discount (non-members)                10%  15%     20%    25%    30%

Sale discount (MEMBERS)                  20%  25%     30%    35%    40%


We're also, until further notice, doing Rest-of-month volume discounts too .....

Rest-of-month conditions:

Total $-value (before discount)            <$100    $100    $200    $400    $800

Rest-of-month discount (non-members)    -         5%     10%    15%    20%

Rest-of-month discount (MEMBERS)    10%     15%     20%    25%    30%


Some of those items listed on the site are duplicated, for varying physical condition (secondhand ones) and varying packaging (budget ones, mainly in software). Prices still aren't on a lot of the items, as yet, because it's of higher priority to do listings, so you know what's here (even local customers have found items in the site, rather than in the store, and items not displayed in the store, due to room constraints, can only be found on the site).

Searches: Searches on this site are on a single text-string only (not case-sensitive), not on keywords. So, if you were to search for an item "C Icd Afterlife (Lucasarts) G8+ SH m", then "afterlife" and "lucasarts" would find it (although the latter would also find all items with "Lucasarts" as part of the title), as would "G8+ SH" (which would likewise also find many items). However, "Afterlife G8+" wouldn't find it. There's some thought been put into the titles so that, if you work out the pattern, it should be possible to find anything. One character which can't be in a search is "&", as it's a 'special character' for the site software. So, for instance, abbreviations like "D&D" are now listed as "DnD" ("AD&D" has become "ADD1" or "ADD2"), and "Might & Magic" has become "Might and Magic".

Games Workshop: We need your orders in advance on items from Games Workshop, for the time being. We still need your support in getting this area moving faster!

14 Apr 2007

There have been problems here with databases etc., for some time, as a few of you have realised, but what's being entered onto this trial eCommerce site is what's verified as physically here and locatable (not relying on any computer record!) - eventually, a full physical stocktake will have been completed!

In the meantime, priority as to what is entered will be partly of items in which there have been expressions of interest. So, if items in which you've previously expressed interest aren't on the eCommerce site, kindly express your interest again. We'd also like feedback on anything to do with the site.

There are more items being entered on the eCommerce site every day, It's not a 'live' site, so orders made through it are tentative (esp. while there are many items without prices), subject to our confirming that goods you order are set aside for you (and priced!), and you then need to confirm your order, arrange post/freight, and pay for it.

18 Aug 2006

Accessing this site: We're only too aware that this site should be updated, and a little easier to navigate. However, due to the circumstances of the past few years (see History), that's had to wait, but there's a revamp on the way. We recommend, in the meantime, heading to the Sitemap and selecting pages to browse from there.

Finding goods: Unpacking continues! It's not happening fast enough to have everything out of cartons and sorted and catalogued, so that we can lay our hands on everything when you express interest in items. We had the additional problem (which, as in the history, occurred in October 2003, before the Great Warehouse Storage began) of the database (series) going awry and having to revert to a much earlier copy, so we're not quite sure what is and what isn't there, until either we find it (so know it is there) or there's everything unpacked (and know it's not there)!


Valhalla Games & Hobbies has been in existence as a retail store in Perth, Western Australia, since February 1991. But its beginnings were back in 1976, under the name "Simulations" (see History).

We have an amazing array of goods, current and not, new and secondhand, and people browse for hours here. We're not a virtual shop operating out of a cupboard somewhere, but a real place as in our Photos, soon to be updated! If you're ever in Perth, Western Australia, come visit us!!

If you can't visit our real shop personally, we intend that you'll find this a great website to keep on visiting and to recommend to everyone you know! Word-of-mouth has always been our best advertising, and the site will be a great place to shop. For various reasons, we're needing to do regular updates of information in future. Visit often!!

Our website isn't a magnificent glossy-brochure presentation, we realise, and it will be mainly text, with some pics when required, for the present. While it would be "nice" to have lots of pics, we'll get around to at least doing some, of the current premises. Your constructive suggestions on the site are welcome.

On prices, we are in Australia, in the remote west at that, so remember that prices can vary from one country to another and, in a country this size, from one part of the country to another. Please don't expect us to "match prices" with every other retailer in the world - we just have to price goods on whatever prices are, right here.  

We always have done mail order anywhere (see How to Order) and, although we don't yet provide "shopping cart" facilities, ordering procedure isn't difficult. If you like the look of us and what we have to offer, recommend us to everyone you know with any interest in any or all the goods we carry (and don't forget to also tell those people you may know who don't have 'Net access just what we have), and do become one of our members with its advantages (see Membership).

We do take orders for various old and collectible items, and some of the goods which are sold to us go to those who order them, not ever appearing on our shelves (or listed on this site).

We have a list of  Links to online gaming resources and companies involved in the gaming industry (across many genres). Online you can find everything from free gaming materials available for download, gaming accessories (and systems) developed by enthusiasts, and forums for the discussion of games, modelling, and miniatures (such as mailing lists and usenet 'newsgroups'). Please mention our site on these! Let us know of any invalid links.

We want to arrange inventory lists so they can be searched through easily. If you're a supplier (or potential supplier) to us, make sure you keep us current with news of goods available and expected dates for new releases.

Contact us if you have anything to sell! Most of the types of goods we sell we also buy from our customers (usually for Valhalla Credits for use here rather than

cash). We have a lot of old difficult-to-get items and, if you're looking for anything in the lines of goods we usually have but don't have it currently, let us know and we will advise you when it does come in.